6am?? What is he thinking of????

I hope that some of you will be brave (and sleepless) enough to join me at Swalcliffe at 6am on Easter Sunday morning. Yes, I have realised that it is effectively 5am, as BST starts that very morning. For me, this is the highlight of the year’s worship, as we recall that Gospel words “Very early on the Sunday morning...” and we too creep, half asleep, yawning, to the tomb to find that Jesus has risen.

We start with a bonfire, light the Paschal Candle, and process inside the church in candlelight, hear the great Exsultet (a hymn of God’s glory) sung, remake our Baptismal Vows and receive Holy Communion. If we are lucky the sun will come streaming through the windows during the service. Go on... try to be there.