For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

August News

A total of £3706 was raised at the Shutford Village Fete held in June: £2724 during the afternoon and £982 from the Barn Dance. This money will be shared between the church, village hall and community association. Next year's event will be held on Midsummer's Day, 21st June 2014, so put a note in the diary now! The fete was BRILLIANT so many thanks to all those who organised such a great afternoon’s village entertainment.

Shutford’s Harvest Festival is on 29th September at 6.00pm with a Ploughman’s Harvest Supper and Sale in Shutford Village Hall at 7.30pm on 30th September. Monies raised from donations, raffle and produce sale will be shared by the church and a local charity.

Y course: why do bad things happen to good people? If God is love why is there so much hatred in the world? Why do children suffer? Why do religious people bring about so much pain and suffering? Your chance to ask difficult question like these; we’re meeting in Shutford on October 16th and November 20th at 7.30pm for an hour or so. More details and venue from Ronald.

Messy Church in October is on Saturday October 26th from 4.30pm to 6pm in Shutford Village Hall. All children with an adult (or two) are invited to come to create something, to worship together, and to enjoy a picnic tea together. Moew helpers are always welcome so please shout if you could oversee a gluey sticky craft table! And watch out for Messy Christmas on December 7th.
