For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Shutford news

The Door to Door collection in Shutford for Christian Aid raised £420. Anyone who missed the collector can donate directly to the charity at
It was good to have a choir in St Martin`s Church for the June Benefice Service and others from across the benefice who took an active part in the service. Many were able to stay for refreshments and fellowship afterwards.

A Messy Church event was held in Shutford Village Hall on 16th June. The theme was based on the song If I were a butterfly as butterflies can be seen in the church all year. There were 20 people in the hall and as usual the afternoon ended with excellent refreshments. In future please do not be shy; join us for a couple of hours of fun and don't be put off by the word church. The sessions are very light hearted with good social interaction without electronic stimuli!

There will be various summer events across the benefice and we hope all will be blessed with fine weather, if required, with good inter village support.
