For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

November News

Plans for the creation of a toilet and a kitchen inside the church are actually proceeding quite well! We have an enthusiastic architect, some sensible plans, and are already dealing with the various planning, archaeological and environmental groups who have to be consulted about this. Keep your fingers crossed!

Community Carol Singing will be held on Monday December 23rd starting at 7pm by the Village Hall. We shall sing through the village and end up at the stag’s Head for seasonal refreshments. EVERYONE is warmly invited to take part. Wrap up warm,. Bring torches and lanterns…and a brolly if wet!

We continue to rejoice in the wonderfully maintained graveyard which Gerry has worked so hard on; and the still-lovely flower beds by the doors which Judy Byrne looked after; thanks to you both from us all!

Finally, don't miss our Christmas Market.
