For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

January News

Another brilliant Craft Fair was held at the start of December and the church was filled with stalls, browsers and buyers, the scent of mulled wine and the sound of cheerful chatter.

It was good to welcome Sibford Primary School to church for their Carol Service. Carol singing through the village was a cheerful evening, and we called on all our friends to wish them a Merry Christmas. They in turn donated generously towards the Christian Aid appeal and, with Sibford’s contribution, we sent £370.

Date for your diary: Alyth Chamber Choir in concert on Saturday, 18th April, 7pm, Swalcliffe Church. This choir from the North Western Reform Synagogue in Golders Green, London, was formed in 2006 in response to an invitation to give two concerts in Germany. Since then they have performed to great acclaim at the Victoria and Albert Museum and two concerts in Brussels. Further details will be given in the March issue of the Benefice News, or contact Gay on 788 427.
