For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Swalcliffe news

We have now purchased the stairclimber and huge thanks are due to Colin Hill, Cathy Stoertz and the Parish Council for very generous donations towards the cost. We are still looking for volunteers to be trained in its use which will involve occasional help a few times a year to assist wheelchair users up the church steps. Training will take place in April so please do get in touch with any member of the PCC or Ronald if you can help.

We held Messy Church in the Village Hall on 10th March and welcomed 13 children to an afternoon of fun, sticking, sewing and decorating delicious cakes to be taken home for Mothers' Day. There was a splendid tea provided by Gay.

Unfortunately Mothering Sunday service was only attended by a few "regular oldies" and we realise that 4.30pm is possibly not a suitable time to expect children to come to church.  Maybe next year a morning service would be more convenient?! Do you have a view? Let us know.

Lent lunch held at Tyne Hill Farm was great fun and a donation of £142 was sent to Shipston Home Carers. Thank you so much to all those who made soup and puddings and to the many helpers and those who attended too. (Editor’s note – the curried parsnip soup and the bread and butter pudding were remarkable!)
