For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

April news

We had a brilliant morning of Messy Church at Swalcliffe on Good Friday. Lots of glue, paint, icing, chocolate eggs, hot cross buns ... and also songs and a short time of worship in church. Thanks to all those who helped. This was followed by a wonderful afternoon celebrating Easter with the annual egg rolling competition in the middle of the village on Easter Monday, accompanied by a barbecue and bar which offered some compensation for the fact that the Stag's Head is still closed. The next Messy Church for All Families will be on July 6th in the afternoon.

Sadly the Party in the Pews which was scheduled for 18th May has had to be postponed as we were not able to get enough groups to play for us on that evening. But a further fundraising event in the church is planned for July, and the traditional Harvest Supper will take place in October: more details next month.
