For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

February News

The Church Council met on Monday 26th January and discussed the heating proposals for the church.

The PCC plans for commemoration of the 1914-18 War in Europe, in both our Villages, with the Parish Council, The Benefice and St. Nicholas Church.

We shall be preparing for Lent and Easter. There will be Discussion Groups and other meetings during the months ahead. Details will be given in the Wykeham Benefice News and the weekly pew-sheet - copies are available in the church.

The dates for 10am Tuesday Communion are published in the list of services. This service is followed by tea, coffee and biscuits served in The Lampet Arms. Morning Prayers are on Wednesdays at 8.45am in the church. Everyone will receive a warm welcome at ALL our services.
