For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

April News

The Church Council met on Monday 31st March to discuss further the heating proposals for the church. Two more Quotations are required before a contract is given.

The PCC discussed the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held in the church after the 11.00am service on Sunday 27th April 2014. The meeting will include the election of The Parochial Church Council Members. The Church Annual report will be presented at the meeting.

Future events for the year are as follows:

  • Sunday 29th June, 3pm: a Cream Tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.K.Smith
  • Saturday 9th August: a Sponsored Walk is being organised
  • Sunday 12th October: Harvest Supper in the Village Hall
  • Saturday15th November: Autumn Bazaar

The next meeting of the PCC will be held on Monday 23rd June.

The Lent Discussion Group met on Tuesdays after the morning service and coffee.

On Sunday 18th May there will be a Songs of Praise service in the church at 4pm.

On Saturday 31st May there will be a ceremony at the crash site of the bomber at 10.30 am.

On Monday 4th August to commemorate the anniversary of the 1914 – 1918 war the church will be open for personal prayers of all Parishioners.

10am Tuesday Communions are followed by tea/coffee and biscuits (and often cream cake!) served in The Lampet Arms.

Morning Prayers are on Wednesdays at 8.45am in the church.

Everyone will receive a warm welcome at ALL our services.