For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

January News

The Traditional Carol Service was held in the church on Tuesday 16th December at 7pm. This service was very well attended and the choir carols were very much enjoyed by the congregation, especially the Hungarian carol sung in the native language. The traditional carols very much helped to invoke the spirit and meaning of Christmas.

Our Christmas morning service, conducted by The Revd John Tattersall, was attended by over 40 people. The church had been beautifully decorated by the ladies of Tadmarton, to whom we give our thanks.

New Years Day service (the Clypping of our church) was conducted by our Rector. Due to the inclement weather a walk around outside of the church was not possible and so the congregation formed a circle around one of the large pillars, thus keeping the tradition. After the service everyone enjoyed a glass of sherry and light refreshments.
