For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Broughton news

On 30th September we held a coffee morning in S.M.H. which raised a total of £65 in aid of church funds; thank you to all who helped.

October 15th was our All age service which was well supported; we even had two children plus 30 adults. Thank you Ronald for a most interesting morning, and a big thank you to all those who provided the refreshments.

We held our P.C.C. meeting on Tuesday October 17th. The normal business was put aside so that Charles Chadwick could talk to us. We welcomed members of our congregation plus our two friends from Epwell. We talked about what we do well and also areas where we are not so good! Charles spoke about sowing the seed and nurturing it and also how prayer is so important, plus how we can use technology to get Gods message across to those who don't come to church.
