For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Swalcliffe news

We all enjoyed the Grand Opening of the Church Facilities on February 21st. A large number of villagers swelled the normal congregation’s ranks. We sang three glorious hymns – How Great Thou Art, Dear Lord and Father, and Now Thank We All Our God; heard a short reading about wicked Herod Antipas, said our prayers and then adjourned to the back of church. Gerry Melvin tried and failed to cut the ribbon with his garden shears but was rescued with Gay’s strategically placed scissors, and then he declared the kitchen and loo officially OPEN. Fizz, friendship and laughter followed.

We’d had a smashing Messy Church just before Valentine’s Day and ten smalls and lots of bigs enjoyed all sorts of heart-shaped crafts before we sang the Arky Arky song and enjoyed our delicious picnic tea.
