For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Swalcliffe news

It seems a long time ago now but a lively Lent Lunch was held with Gay and Martin at Tyne Hill. Many thanks to all those who contributed food and to those who attended. £140 was sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee.

We had a visit from Liz Kitch, Diocesan Advisory Committee Secretary, in early April. She was amazed to see the size of the church and churchyard (both looking lovely in the spring sunshine) and was full of encouragement for us to apply for a Heritage Grant as we have so many features of high conservation value. The work never ends!

Messy Church on Saturday 13th May was held in the Church for the first time. The theme was 'Africa', and Masai shields, animal masks and a frieze of Masai warriors were made with African music accompaniment followed by a BBQ tea. Thank you to all helpers and to those who came along.

Dates for your diary:

  • Saturday 8th July, 7pm: Al Fresco Supper by kind invitation of Mike and Barbara Taylor in the garden at Wykham, Park Lane. Tickets £14; please bring your own wine! Soft drinks provided. Contact Barbara on 788 555 or email.
  • Sunday 13th August: More Tea, Vicar? You are warmly invited to a short organ recital given by Ronald and Liz. Enjoy the music, and the flowers from the wedding of Olivia Thompson and Matt the day before. Tea and Cakes. Donations gratefully received for church funds.

Concerts in Swalciffe Church: Sadly, the concert planned for Sunday 11th June An Introduction to Opera has had to be postponed until next year. We will let you have another date as soon as possible. However, two musical events have been organised by our very own Colin Hill, lighting and electrical guru, now Promoter of a series of concerts of different types of music:

  • Thursday 1st June, 7.30pm: The Savage Prunes, a unique trio performing new music on traditional instruments; classical cellist, folk fiddler and virtuoso bagpipes
  • Saturday 21st October, 7.30pm: Music of the Renaissance featuring Piva playing dance and ballads.

Both bands have a national following and can be seen in concert on their websites. Tickets can be applied for on line through the Swalcliffe Village website.

