For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Tadmarton news

Scarecrow Festival July 8th to 22nd. The third year of this event – and the last year for a while. So this is your chance to make the Main Street and the side roads truly spectacular.

Scarecrow concert Saturday July 22nd in the church 7pm for 7.30pm. Tickets are available from Shirley on 780 596 and Mr Wilson on 722 411. The proceeds from this concert will enable a kitchen area in the church to be created so that facilities for fellowship and wider use by the community are improved.

The Cream Tea at the home of Dr and Mrs. Smith, 4 Old Glebe, is on the afternoon of Sunday 2nd July from 2.30pm and it is hoped that everyone will enjoy this annual event.

The PCC met on Wednesday 14th June and items discussed included a commemoration to the late Mr Richard Asser, a long serving PCC Member; the Kitchen project; and Fund raising events to come.
