
YAHWEH is the name by which the Jews knew God. We sometimes translate it into the word Jehovah.

The Jews felt so strongly that the very Name of God was so special that they used to write it YHWH – leaving out the vowels so that they didn’t even write down God’s name “properly” (please, no letters explaining that Hebrew doesn’t have vowels as we know them!). When you are sitting or lying quietly ready to say your prayers, why not use the name Yahweh as a prayer mantra? As you breathe in, with your mouth open and everything relaxed, say “Yah”; and as you breathe out, equally quietly, say “weh”. Eventually you will find yourself breathing gently whilst saying the very name of God; maybe this will be all you will need to say for your prayers – and maybe you will drift off to sleep resting in God’s peace.