For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Broughton news

All the services over the Christmas period were very well attended, and a total of £1,200 was raised for Charity.

The £900 raised for Alan's Africa will be used for the purchase of science equipment for the recently completed laboratory at the school in Freetown
Sierra Leone. £300 has gone to the Disasters Emergency Committee for the appalling results of the tsunami in Indonesia.

Short mat bowls has resumed after the Christmas break on Wednesday at 7pm in SMH.

The Friendship club will meet on February 5th in SMH at 2.30pm. This is a very informal gathering where we share a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits; also a general chat about anything and everything. There is also a small raffle; please do come along and maybe meet some new people.
