For details of all of the services and events taking place at the church please visit A Church Near You.

Epwell news

Annual Parochial Church Meeting: At the recent PCC AGM, thanks were expressed to all those who have supported St Anne’s in so many ways – with refreshments after the service, flower arrangements, grass cutting, help at fundraising events and maintenance work. The Annual Report and Accounts were presented and the Treasurer and Secretary agreed to continue in their roles for another year. After more than 15 years dedicated service to St Anne’s, David Long felt it time to step down as Churchwarden and Alasdair Lowe was elected alongside Dawn Castle as Churchwardens for 2017.

Taizé Worship: On Sunday 23rd July  there will be a Taizé inspired worship in the church at 6.00pm. The Taizé community, originating from the French village of Taizé, is an ecumenical monastic order who have a strong devotion to peace and justice though prayer and music.
Magic Show: Thank you to all those who came to be amazed and mystified at the magic show recently held in the church. A wonderful family occasion that left the audience speculating  - “how did they do that?” With the help of sponsors and generous donation of raffle prizes the event raised £480, which will help with the continuing maintenance of the church building.

