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Shutford news

The Annual Church Meeting was held in Shutford Village Hall on 19th March when a new church council and churchwardens were elected.

Church attendance is stable with a small loyal congregation ensuring the cost of ministry is covered each year. Apart from worshippers, many others support St Martin's in various ways through fund raising, church cleaning and donating flowers. The Village Festival raised £3000 for the church which has paid the annual insurance bill and for some restoration work. Income from special fund raising and collections, amounting to £2245, has been given to charities and other good causes.

The church faces a big challenge as our core congregation average age is 60+ so there is a need to encourage more younger villagers to be involved with church life ensuring the church remains open and viable. Despite the stability in church attendance in 2017, worshipping on a Sunday is low on a list of priorities so what’s to be done? To quote from the church annual report: "We all have a desire to see our congregations grow and will continue to connect with everyone through relationships and social events, building on our strengths and valuing what we have and will achieve in the future". Remember – the church is the people. St Martin's is open each day for a bit of peace and quiet, the churchyard has lots of snowdrops and primroses in bloom, but put a coat on!

Shutford village has a good core of villagers who care for their neighbours through their actions; may this continue.
