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Polly Preedy Christmas Gifts

In a conversation with Polly, who is dedicated to feeding the hungry and homeless in Banbury, I suggested that we as a church might prepare shoe boxes, similar to ones given by schools and churches to children abroad. She said she would be delighted to receive these, so can we do this together?

To fill a box can be expensive, so perhaps two or three people could work together to create one. If you are only able to donate one or two items for others to use, these could be collected and quarantined in the vestry and distributed when needed Could we aim to make 20 boxes?

Collect and cover a shoe box, fill with some of the following items and others not thought of.

  • Toothbrush and paste
  • Soap/shower gel
  • Comb or brush
  • Hand cream, face cream, body lotion, lip balm
  • Small bag for belongings
  • Socks (these are continually requested)
  • Gloves or scarf
  • Small torch – windup or spare batteries,
  • Sweets/biscuits
  • Pen and notebook
  • Puzzle book or pocket puzzle
  • A Christmas Card

For more information, please contact Barbara Foster at

Thank you in anticipation.